
10 Common Foods You've Been Storing the Wrong Way


10 Common Foods You've Been Storing the Wrong Way

There's a lot of people wasting money and food because of improper storing of foods  These common foods have always been stored the wrong way. But next time you should not already. 


Tomatoes lose water and flavor when stored in refrigerator. They should be stored at room temperature, laid face up and out of direct sunlight.


Cucumbers shouldn't be stored in fridge to prevent accelerated decay caused by chilling injuries, instead keep them in a room temperature. Cukes should be separated also from tomatoes and bananas which release ethylene gas, a ripening agent.


Avocados slow down its ripening process with cool temperature and speed up its ripening process in room temperature without direct sunlight. Approximately, hard and unripe avocados ripen within 4-5 days in room temperature while ripe avocados can stay up to 2 weeks in the fridge. If avocado meat was cut, sprinkle pieces with lemon juice to retard browning. Wrap tightly with clear plastic or place in an air-tight container to store in refrigerator for 1 to 2 days.


Eggs shouldn't be stored in the little egg caddy that comes with the refrigerator, instead store eggs in the middle shelf not on the  fridge door to ensure consistent cool temperature. Its recommended to keep eggs in their carton packages to avoid absorbing strong odors and flavors of other foods in your fridge. Keep supply of eggs in  a maximum of two weeks, and rotate your stock so that the oldest ones are consumed first. Remember to keep the larger end upright to keep the egg yolk intact.


Potatoes shouldn't be wash before storing - dampness promotes early spoilage. Avoid placing potatoes in areas that reach hot temperatures like beneath the sink and  beside heating appliances such as oven. Placing potatoes in the fridge can cause the potato's starch to convert to sugar resulting in sweet taste and discoloration when cooked. Always keep potatoes away from direct sunlight.


Onions should be stored in a cool, dry and well ventilated areas not wrapped in plastic where there is lack of air circulation. Keep onions away of direct sunlight and don't store them together with products that releases moisture like potatoes.


Garlic should not be stored in refrigerator but can be placed in the freezer for a longer preservation for future use. Garlic can last up to 3 months if stored properly in a cool, dry place with proper air circulation. 


Breads should not be placed on fridge because it staves off the growth of mold. Storing bread in room temperature can keep the bread for a shorter life span but storing it in the freezer can keep it fresh even beyond expiration date.


Nuts should be placed in a resealable container when storing in the fridge. Nuts have a high oil content and this leads to a rather quick break down when left at room temperature. Nuts are good at room temperature for approximately one month but then need to be refrigerated in an air tight container to maintain freshness. Storing in a fridge extends their shelf life to 6 months and if placed in a freezer, up to a year. Due to the low water content of nuts they will not freeze in a fridge and therefore there will be no loss of nutrients with any mild thawing. If you live in a cooler climate nuts will remain fresh longer, sometimes as long as three to six months at room temperature; however, it is still best to store them to prolong freshness.
Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/032187_nuts_storage.html##ixzz3LlE1lp3M


Bananas should be left in a closed paper bag at room temperature if they are not yet ripe. You can speed up the ripening of banana by placing them together with other fruits that releases ethylene gas such as apples. Sprinkle citrus juice in peeled or cut bananas to stop them from browning too quickly. Place ripe banana in fridge to keep them fresh for a longer time and you can also wrap the stem of the banana with plastic to slowdown the ripening process.
Source: http://www.ehow.com/how_2903_store-bananas.html 



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YANTAYO.com : 10 Common Foods You've Been Storing the Wrong Way
10 Common Foods You've Been Storing the Wrong Way
You've been storing these foods the wrong way. Learn the proper way of storing these foods here.
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