The magician duo, Richard Young and Sam Strange also known as the "Young and Strange" performed a shrinking illusion trick on what appears to be a live broadcast by a reporter of the Sky News, a multi-media news network based on Britain. It can be seen on the video that while the unaware reporter was busy in his live report, the magicians performed their magic trick behind him grabbing the perfect momentum.
The video has duped some news organizations in their initial reports saying that Sky News was pranked on live broadcast. Yes, it's incredible but its just a hoax. The video was staged as it was cleared on a report by The Guardian.
Ashish Joshi of Sky News,the reporter involved in the viral video said that he was just trying to help his friends get some publicity, hoping that they could get a TV show.
Well, they may not have a TV show yet but what they did has indeed brought publicity to them who have more than 3.4M views on YouTube in just 6 days