Ella Cruz has gained so much fame on social media since last month after her "Twerk it Like Miley" performance was uploaded on YouTube, July 17, and explodes in social media. She then become one of the guest on "Ganda Gabi Vice", August 9, together with Donnalyn Bartolome and Kiray where they performed "Twek it Like Miley". She also guested on "It's Showtime", August 12, were once again she heats up the stage with her performance of the hit dance craze.
Just one month after her hit dance performance, now she's back with a new outstanding dance performance.
Watch the "Teen Dance Princess" as crowned by fans in her latest dance performance of Dawin's "Dessert".
The video published on YouTube, August 17, has already started exploding on social media.
What's your thought of her performance? Share it on the comment section below.